Houston, Texas (Quality Wellness Report) – BE READY2015 PLEASANTVILLE is designed to outreach and inform communities, assemblies, businesses, and organizations about proper balance of mental and physical health; and to promote physical activity for families in Houston’s Pleasantville and surrounding global communities. BR15 will provide knowledge and guidance for children, adults and seniors about family-awareness, nutrition, exercise, proper mindset and foci. BR15-Pleasantville is created to educate community, encourage family-wellness and incite progressive mental and physical activity.
This first annual BE READY community wellness project focusing family is scheduled for Saturday, July 11, 2015. Festivities take place on the campus of Pleasantville’s Judson Robinson, Sr. Park and Community Center located 1422 Ledwicke Street, Houston, Texas 77029 from 12 noon until 8pm and is free to the public. The Be Ready2015 line-up includes Healthy Family Expo-Experience, Fitness Fun-Zone (from 12 – 4pm) and Stop the Violence LIVE.
BE READY is now accepting and registering artist, performers, vendors and exhibitors @ www.QualityWellnessGlobal.org/be-ready-2015.
If you are a philanthropic individual, business or organization interested in becoming an official sponsor or for more information please email or contact Daryld Cotton [email protected] 832.898.1055 fax 832.327.7456 Attn: Be Ready2015.
Media Contact: Kathy Allison [email protected]
Artist, performers, vendors and exhibitors submit your registration @ www.QualityWellnessGlobal.org/be-ready-2015.