Paul Queen, Jr. is an ordained educator, captivating speaker, life-coach and champion who is purposed to inform the world about God’s will for the mind and body. A born leader and natural athlete, his abilities led him to gaining a bachelors of business administration degree in finance from Prairie View A&M University. After a successful career in corporate America and motivated by world travel, Paul was inspired and embraced his calling to the ministry of health and wellness.
Today, Paul serves as founder and principal of Quality Wellness Global and is a certified fitness expert, performance enhancement specialist and corporate wellness consultant based in Texas. Combining knowledge from productive business, education and entrepreneurial careers and led by God given talents and passion; Paul has created, coordinated and developed several health and wellness curricula, programs and events.
Mr. Queen’s body of work encompasses sports, education, religion and governmental industries and has reached throughout the United States and is internationally published. His media platforms include print magazine, internet, radio, television and he has been recognized and awarded for his work in the Greater Houston and surrounding areas.
Quality Wellness Global has partnered and consulted for numerous schools, businesses, non-profits and community development organizations. And Paul Queen remains in the forefront of health professionals and advocating for global wellness one community at a time.
Faith, defined as the full confidence and confirmation of the things we hope for and the proof (evidence) of the things we cannot see or sense yet.
When plugging faith into our health and fitness goals, we must first have full confidence that God is faithful to His promises and that we are made in His image. We must be confident that by the stripes of Jesus, we are already healed. We should surround ourselves with a family of believers and positive thinkers. Our understanding of life expectancy should come from the word of God (and not from statistics, trends and forecasts). We must be certain that if we think righteously, live a consistent physically active lifestyle and eat properly, that it will have a positive effect to our body (weight, blood pressure, diabetes, stress, etc.). Faith that the more we engage in meditative speaking, active breathing and cardiovascular activities; the stronger our hearts will get – which will enhance brain function ability and decrease our chances of heart disease. We should be confident that although we may be overweight, by working out (30 to 60 minutes) daily and a proper diet, it will allow us to eventually lose and maintain our weight.
“The body was created to do God’s will and made to heal itself.”
Fitness, defined as a state or general condition of being physically and mentally healthy because of proper thought, physical activity and nutrition. We are how we think, and right thinking optimizes both our mental and physical being.
Proverbs 23: 7 (Amplified) reads, “As he thinks in his heart, so is he.” This tells us even if we are physically active and eat properly, if we have wrong thinking it will cause a negative effect on our results.
Proverbs 14:30 (Amplified) reads, “A calm and undisturbed mind and heart are the life and health of the body, but envy, jealousy, and wrath are like rottenness of the bones.” Wow, just by thinking (positive) righteous thoughts our bodies become healthier! But wrong thinking and negative emotions will allow our bodies to disease.
Faith comes from continuous real-time hearing (not what you have heard in the past) and without a manifestation of action or Fitness (proper thinking, physical activity and proper eating) is dead and cannot work. Our Healing and Wholeness of life is in our Faith IN Fitness!
“Prosper and be in Good Health”
Paul Queen Jr.